- Books designs I find largely interesting and fascinating to produce and great to problem solve to catch the buyers attention or wanting to buy the product.
- Poster designs/ business card
-Branding is also have become a large interests, as I find it a engaging to produce something simple that represents the company, making it simple and cleaver.
- I like the idea of having hands on design rather at looking at design.
- Also using simple design that interests me with the right sense of purpose of the product and the target audiences.
- From this I am creating a cake packaging for Country Cakes LTD, for a small company, the original Ppackaging for the cakes tends to tear and open somewhat too easily and are unprotected from being damaged. I used this opportunity to email Peter Yates (the manager of the company) and agree happy to design some packaging for the cakes, But also been shown interests for ASDA for cake portions.
- I could see myself doing brandings of company’s and creating simple print designs of image lead by typography.
This is my powerpoint presentation presented January 13th 2010. My oppions what I wnat to do changed a lo. I should find something I like and enjoy and stick with it and learn ore of it.